b'Legal since the middle of the 20 thcentury, except for a period during and for a few years after World War II, the Nevada legislature tightened regulations in the early 1970s. To better regulate legal sex work in the State, licensed brothels are currently permitted to operate in counties with populations of 700,000 or less. Licensed brothel prostitution is legal in 10 of 17 counties within the State. This meansdespite the popular mythprostitution is not legal in Las Vegas. Nor is it legal in Reno or Carson City. Only six of Nevadas counties have active brothels and, as of September 2023, there are 19 active legal brothels in the State. Prostitution is infamously dangerous. Sex workers experience higher rates of violence, as they may be assaulted, both sexually and physically, and may be at higher risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They also are often exploited and have higher rates of sex trafficking, the crime of using force, fraud or coercion to induce another individual to sell sex. Because sex work is illegal in most of the country, those caught face harsh punishments and few legal options. Individuals who participate in prostitution typically have little to no protection from those who solicit them, exploit them or prosecute them.By legalizing prostitution using brothels, sex workers can receive mental and physical healthcare (including STI prevention care) and safer and more accessible ways of reporting violence and abuse, as well as improved infrastructure and working conditions. Sex workers employed at brothels are considered contract employees and there are requirements the employer must meet in order to meet the legal requirements for contract employees, including:Sex workers and legal brothels are required to registerwith local law enforcement.Weekly STI testing, as well as monthly HIV screenings.Fair wages and the ability to negotiate their own rates.On-site lodging and security while working.Although legal prostitution decreases some of the risks that sex workers face, they still face danger. To help combat those risks and provide support to the workers, organizations like The Cupcake Girls have emerged. Founded in 2010, the organizations primary goal is to provide resources, assistance and a sense of community to individuals in the adult entertainment and sex work fields. The Cupcake Girls aim to help these individuals navigate the challenges they face, providing access to services such as medical care, therapy, legal advice and educational opportunities.One of the organizations unique approaches is its mobile support unit, which travels to brothels and other adult entertainment establishments in Nevada. The Cupcake Girls offer a non-judgmental space for individuals to connect, seek advice and access essential services. They also organize events and workshops that promote mental and emotional well-being, aiming to empower individuals to make choices that are right for them.Colloquially considered the worlds oldest profession, prostitution is here to stay. Brothels bring in tens of thousands of dollars in revenue for the State through licensing. Additionally, sex workers pay federal income taxes on their wages as contract employees and must pay for services, like STI testing and more. Despite disagreements about the morality of prostitution, Nevada and The Cupcake Girls want sex workers to be as safe as possible. 17'